I am a very kind and compassionate person, being kind was embedded in me and it’s part of my personality. However, I am very kind until I’m not.
I was taught not to be selfish, that I must be kind and respectful, and be aware of my words so that they don’t hurt others’ feelings. I took it to the extreme because of past mistakes that I am unable of healing until today. I have great respect for others, I feel compassion even for those who hurt me, and I take into account everyone’s feelings before I even think about my own.
But make no mistake, I have not one naive bone in my body. I let people into my life that took advantage of my generosity thinking they were having the upper hand because I am gullible, lol. What they didn’t know is that while they “Thought” they were getting away with it, while they were exposing their true self, I was using it as a study theme. I was learning everything about their behaviour and taking mental notes with a smile.
Underestimating people is a big mistake that many makes and only come to regret it a bit too late.
When someone gives you a chance in life, be grateful and use it with respect, it’s a trust that is being placed on you, that you shouldn’t abuse.
I am a very observant person and I never take things for face value therefore I am never quick to judge. However, I am quite intuitive and can read people within minutes that we met. But even when I feel a… let’s call it “Heavy” energy from the person, I always give them a chance to show me who they truly are before I label them. I don’t like to jump to conclusions and cast people off because I wouldn’t want it done to me.
I always treat people with the respect that I expect from them and nothing but. I believe treating people with respect instead of taking advantage of them gets me the best results. But, obviously, there are those who always think they are very clever and try to manipulate the opportunity given for their own personal goal, and those people will only learn their lesson when they realise that they were not so clever and they lost far more for the less they were trying to bag.
I believe that the law of equal reciprocity is a valuable lesson to learn when it comes to loyalty, respect integrity and all other honourable behaviour one is meant to uphold.
Most of the time when people realise my value is when I’m miles out of their lives. And one thing with me is that, when I’m out, I am really out.
First Chance
Imagine that you see a person on the other side of the river you know that there’s no food or shelter there, and you build a bridge for them to get to you and vice versa. Time goes by, and that person gathers things from your garage, empties your pantry in the middle of the night, crosses to the other side and burns the bridge.
Obviously, they are feeling confident because they got the tent out of your garage, and the food from your pantry and they can now live grand. Forgetting that the food will finish. Never mind the tent.
Second Chance
Time goes by, the food finished, they resisted the anger for a while but couldn’t take it anymore, they come by the river again, you saw them weak and you feel sorry for them, you build another bridge and welcome them once again.
But this time you’re not as foolish, you’re more aware of their behaviour and they know it. So as time goes by, they behave themselves and you start building trust again and next you know, you forgot all about their betrayal and they know it because they were waiting for it.
Again, in the middle of the night, this time, they emptied not only your garage and pantry, but they also took your jewellery, try the safe but they couldn’t open it because the combination was not what they thought. You were a tad smart and didn’t let your guard down completely. Frustrated, they cross the bridge burn it and go into hiding once again.
Now I ask you; If you give that person the third chance, what do you think they are coming back for, your pretty eyes?
I was told that everyone deserves a second chance in life and I believe it fully! I want people to give me a second chance to mend my frogging mistakes! I want a second chance to recognise that I was wrong, apologise and do it right next time. But what I don’t give and will never ask for is a third chance. I honestly believe that no one deserves a third chance. Not even me. I am not the kind that talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk, no, I follow my preachings to the letter.
However, in my way of seeing things, there’s an exception when it comes to giving people a second chance.
One thing I never, ever give people a second chance on, is rudeness. I can tolerate a lot of things and I have tolerated a lot in my life, but someone being rude to me? I don’t have the heart to tolerate it a second time.
In fact, I don’t think anyone “gives” anyone a chance to be rude to them, those mother froggers just take the liberty!
They may be in a place of power where they are your superior and decides to abuse the privilege. Or they may be your partner that thinks they can be undermining and get away with it for whatever frogging messed up reason they conjured up or believe in. But regardless of who they are is wrong!
Letting them get away with it the first time is wrong but some people may put up with it for the sake of peace or by being scared. But if it happens a second time and you still put up with it, that’s on you. Like they say “Full me once shame on you, full me twice shame on me”.
I am very kind to everyone until they show me that they don’t deserve my kindness, then it’s game over. I don’t and will never give anyone a third chance. You may get away with emptying my garage, my pantry and taking away my jewellery but you’ll not get the chance to rob my safe.
By the one and only,