Life is not hard I must say, but nothing comes easy to me and I have learned not to expect it anyway. I am the kind of person that works for what I want and when I’m in that mindset my energy is endless and my focus is later sharp because I have to prove to myself that I can beat my own record. It can be crazy I know, but I am a competitive person but my competition is only with myself and my capability. I fiercely believe that the way to achieve great results is by surpassing my expectations. I know myself therefore I know what I can accomplish and what to expect.
I always give my one hundred per cent plus, to all my pursuits in life, and I will dedicate my time and passion to making sure that the result is what I expect. If I sign under it, I’ll emerge head, heart and soul.
However, if you are like me, one thing to remember is that not everything is under our control therefore plans will derail regardless of your efforts. Exterior inputs can and will have an unforeseeable impact on your efforts that can shake your confidence or belief, the trick is not to let that episode make you quit. You can lose your balance a little, it’s ok, a shock is an unexpected emotion therefore it’s ok to be out of character, but just.
When things go wrong time and time again, it’s easy to think that maybe is not for you and decide to quit, please don’t because there’s always that magical moment when you look up and you see that amazing light at the end of the tunnel that will catch your attention, and from that moment on, everything feels different. It makes you feel like you’ve been given a shot of energy boost, a new lease on life, and a new perspective on ways to move forward. Magical, isn’t it?
Trust that that light is an Angel sent by the universe to save your dreams by giving you support, and telling you that it’s going to be ok because you are so much more than you think and deserve good things in life.
Sometimes people adopt the mentality of “If it’s a leaf it’s green”, but how many colours of leaves are there? Autumn is one of my favourite seasons because of the colourful magic it brings to nature. The message is, don’t assume that everything you try will fail, that everyone will always disappoint you, or let you down.
I’m sure if you could and is all up to you, you will make everything perfect in your life, but unfortunately is not all up to you, some people will disappoint you, some of your projects will fail, and some promises made to you will be broken, some of your expectations will be brought down to a realistic level. That’s life, we just have to accept it and move on.
My solid advice is don’t dwell on the pains of the past, don’t let that one or many lacks of judgement take you off your path, stay strong and never give up because better is on its way. Like they say, “Man’s rejection is God’s protection”. I honestly believe it.
Sometimes things may go totally wrong for you, either job-related, relationship, or finance and you think, “Why me?” I’ll tell you why you, is because they were not meant for you! You must believe that you are destined for greater things and probably you were just selling yourself short.
Don’t dwell on it, focusing on that rejection will only block the blessings coming your way, let it go and focus on yourself. What’s next should be the question on your mind.
If you allow that trauma, past or present to take over all of your thinking space, you won’t be able to think of anything good, it will impact your creativity, your health, your relationship, everything! It will make you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel. So instead of feeling stuck, use that pain as fuel to push you forward.
I know it’s easy to get discouraged when things get tough, can’t blame you, I feel it too. But the trick is not to ignore your pain, feel it, mourn it, and let it go by looking forward to bigger better things coming your way! It works amazingly for me and I’m sure it will work for you too, just put your imagination into it! What’s next?
Talk to people that make you feel happy, valued and grounded, look at that light at the end of the tunnel and remember that it’s for you! It’s something good that is waiting for you, waiting to give you courage and strength, to make you happy, to bring the smile back to your lips.
Having hobbies is a good way to distract from the pain and disappointment. Stuck into it!
Go for a walk, jog or ride a bike around, up to you.
Bake, cook meals for your family or take up crochet.
Sign up for dance class, Yoga or Krav Maga, whatever you desire.
Go out with friends and have fun!
Learn a new instrument or sing loud in the shower, who cares?
Travel, meditate or put on your headphones and dance to your heart’s content!
Just do whatever makes you happy so that your emotions get a bit of balance and slowly but surely you’ll realise that the deep pain that you were feeling is not so deep anymore and next you know, it’s a thing of the past!
Just remember, there’s more to life than the loss or pain you’re carrying, don’t let it rule your life, don’t feed it power by giving in to sulking and harbouring bad feelings, don’t let it consume your energy and take the happiness away from you because when you think it’s all over, that Angel will come to your rescue. Walk to that light and look forward to the blessings that are waiting for you.
You are brave, you’re amazing and you will make it!
By the one and only,
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