A lot of people stop themselves from realising their dreams because they doomed them before putting them on paper, they assume that they won’t work. Let me tell you that that is a society preconditioning your thoughts. To succeed in life one must learn to be brave and face their fears dead on.
When was the last time you started something or have an idea of starting something but let it go because you “think” it won’t work? But How do you know if you haven’t even tried it?
If you’re waiting for that grand idea that will please everyone, forget it! You never going to have it. The trick is to do something that YOU are happy with and corkscrew the world!
Don’t let the fear of making a mistake stop you before even starting. I suggest that you read this article, it may also help. You Cannot Please Everyone In This World So Don’t Bother Trying.
Being afraid of making mistakes is killing your dreams, my advice is to ignore it and just tuck in.
I was always a very competitive person, and one that don’t like to fail or make mistakes therefore I was a perfectionist. At least I thought I was. For me everything I did was amazing and if someone says otherwise is because they know nothing.
But, I was brought down a peg or two lots of times by those who cared and told me that I was wrong. I can assure you, it was a crushing feeling every time, I didn’t want to hear it because I thought I was the best.
Then I started to realise that those who were praising my bad ideas just didn’t want to hurt my feeling because they knew how sensitive I was when it comes to criticism. But how good was that?
We were a trio, myself, Tomas and Alex, Tomas was raised by my grandmother and Alex decided that he wanted to stay there also so, it was ok with our mum because she travelled a lot and it was convenient, so I stayed with my mum not by choice because my nan’s house was where all the fun happened.
I was always eager to pack my bags during holidays to go to my nan’s. I loved school, but if there was one thing I looked forward to it was the holidays.
The three of us were inseparable, whenever we were playing, it was my suggestions that had to be followed because my ideas were “more fun” or “the best”. Funny enough they never complained and that kinda fed my ego. The only thing is that when the “good idea” goes wrong I had to take responsibility for it, and that, wasn’t fun.
As a child, I was hooked on praise, I strived to be the best to gain recognition to impress others. Academically, I could pull it off because it was up to me, but when it comes to playing with others, my ideas weren’t that great to others all the time because it was always designed the way “I” wanted them, but the sad thing is “I” also had to put up with telling offs that I didn’t appreciate therefore I stop giving my ideas.
Sometimes I play when I think it was a good idea and sometimes I just sat aside sulking instead of joining the fun.
My nan one day told me it’s ok to quit if I don’t want to play but swiftly reminded me that my dad didn’t like quitters, that for him quitters were either cowards or those who are unable, that got my attention. I was all about impressing my dad therefore quitting was out of the question.
My nan understood my panic because it was exactly what she was trying to achieve and told me that it was better to make mistakes than not trying for the sake of making mistakes.
And that I shouldn’t be too upset when I was told that I made a mistake because it will prevent me from joining the fun and whenever I made a mistake I should see what went wrong and do it better next time.
In this world, you will encounter cruel people that don’t give a frog about your feelings and will let you know exactly how they feel about you or your project whatever it is. And what you’ll realise is most of them are doing it for the sake of frogging with your mind instead of trying to help you see and correct, or learn from your mistakes.
They will criticise you with no positive feedback to go on. So why would you care about them? Why would you care about what others say anyway?
Paying too much attention to what others say about you or your endeavours will only hinder your productivity, kill your confidence and turn you into a quitter. Then they win.
The only time you should pay attention to criticism is when is positive and comes with a “how to” fix your mistakes otherwise discard it completely because they didn’t come from a good place, they will either be from someone that find’s you to be a threat, someone that is jealous of you or someone that is good for nothing but thinks they better than everyone. Classic losers.
Whatever you do as long as you put your heart and soul into it nothing else matters, if someone provides a piece of good advice, take it seriously because it will only improve your skills and make you better, but if a mother-frogging loser decides you give you their sulky opinion, toss it with prejudice and carry on with ease knowing that you’re in a right path that’s why you’re becoming a threat, which should make you smile instead.
By the one and only,
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