For a “Perfect” Catwalk/Runaway, models must be a size 0. But why? I’ll tell you why. The fashion industry is a Dog eat Dog state of play, nobody cares about anybody else but themselves, the brand, their money, career, reputation and so on and so on. You can say well, the majority of business people are like that, true, however, where they differ is on ethics and what they are allowed to get away with.
Let’s look at this in a different light, shall we?
Let’s say you have four children, from the age of 14 to 19 (All teenagers) who are considered children, right? You force them under a strict diet to keep them on size 0. What do you think your caring neighbours are going to do? Or their school teachers? Those people will call Social Security on your mother frogging S, accusing you of abusing your children by starving them. And you can imagine what will happen, the Social Security will intervene and you will be in a ton of trouble. Do you think your excuse of trying to save on fabric can or will save you? No! Your kids probably will be taken away from you and your S thrown in jail.
So why are Fashion Designers allowed to get away with it? Those “Models” that are majority kids or started as kids are being starved in the name of fashion! And everyone, including the Government, turns a blind eye!
And let’s not get down to the greedy S mother frogging parents that push their kids into this. Sickens me (The Exorcist) style. If you’re one of those parents, please do get in touch with your complaint and I’ll lay it clear for you.
Now… Let’s talk about the REAL reason for size 0. It’s not because they are more beautiful or most desired body or shape or size, because the majority of them are anorexic or close! Under those luxurious garments, they are skin and bones and nothing pleasant to look at! So, why? It’s because the mother-frogging “Designers” are keeping them under the strict regime of (Don’t eat or lose your job). It’s not only immoral, it’s inhumane!
These Designers indeed design this cruel and abusive way of carrying on their businesses for the sake of saving a little more money regardless of the millions they accumulated, for the sake of being on the most wealthy top list. Any designer that you ask why they use size 0 models will tell you that they are easier to work with. But the real answer is that the amount of fabric needed for size 0 is way less than the amount needed for a size 10, no brainer. Therefore, using size 0 models saves them money on fabrics, pure and simple! To create an entire collection requires a lot of fabrics and expensive ones, of course, therefore whatever they can save will be great. For their pockets. During the creation of Catwalk/Runaway, they only create for the show, not for the sale or store. They will only create any other size when ordered or by popular demand. It is not in their best interest to be created in size 10 or 12 because they will spend a little more so they rather make the Models starve.
For me and a lot of people I believe, it will be perfect and justifiable to create size 10 for the show because sizes 10 to 12 are on the average.
All this size 0 on Social Media, the pressure to be thin is damaging young women’s self-esteem! Making them think that if you’re not slim you’re not beautiful. It’s a lie! It’s not about your size it’s about them penny-pinching.
Look at this model and tell me she’s not beautiful! She’s gorgeous! Glorious and you can tell that she’s happy with herself and don’t give a frog about Social Media!
Stop obsessing with your size and trying to look like the “Models”, they are miserable people that spend time starving for their survival. It’s all disguised under the pretty clothes they wear and the fake smile they display, underneath, they are miserable! Some of them develop a mental illness which is a serious issue that affects the brain and body. They feel the pressure to keep themselves thin and some of them become anorexic. This can have a serious impact on a person’s life, especially at a young age.
If you’re one of these “Models” and you feel that I hit the raw nerve and you need help, please get in touch and I’ll be more than happy to lend you a hand. I promise that I’ll do my utmost to signpost you to a professional that can help you. All confidential.
The fashion industry is a very competitive environment, not just about the clothes and the Designer’s reputation, but also about the models they used to promote their garments and products. The models are expected to be thin as sticks, which can be difficult for a lot of women to achieve spatially as a kid, therefore they turn to a method less advisable to stay in the game.
All this “Slim Size” culture leads many women to develop very low self-esteem because they don’t think that they measure up to what society expects from them. Girl, wake the frog up! Forget about all those skinny S “Models” and stop trying to look like them, you are happier and you don’t know. The majority of them live in misery trying to survive, so my darling, snap out of it! I know it may not be easy to pick yourself up fast but you can get help to start. Take a look at this page Health & Wellbeing and I’m sure you will find something there that can help you in your way to recharge your self-esteem.
The Government, the Policy Makers, The Influencers and most of all, the Fashion Industry have a huge moral and ethical responsibility to work on changing these crazy expectations and not just for the sake of society at large full of women and men that are ruining their health for the sake of fitting the mould and being accepted but also for their “Models”. Because carrying on sets unrealistic expectations on people in general and this will lead those with low self-esteem down a very dangerous path and sometimes fatal outcomes.
By the one and only,
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